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Online trading Platform
Financial market
***NOTE : SAMPLE DEAL INR RS.5lakhs-Rs.15lakhs @ 5% per month (INR Rs.25,000- Rs.75,000) respectively can be start immediate
GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!GREETINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Minimum working Capital INR Rs.45lakhs & Maximum INR Rs.2crores applicable as per table attached PDF below here even from your own account too. For low investment INR Rs.5lakhs - Rs.25lakhs should be from trader account only
2. Draft will be prepared on any of the profit option fixed by investor. Table prepared 100% based on both side benefit & risk bearing level for investor/entrepreneur.
3. Loss payback should be within 3months after end of agreement date /Bank interest applicable if investor not utilized any profit at year end, i.e; At NO PROFIT NO LOSS stage to as per minimum 12% per annum base can claim by Investor from trader as per agreement period.
4. Profit Payout as per trader can take decision & rights on his profit percentage payout request from Investor account with his knowledge by daily/weekly/monthly basis. This payout can help to go business smoothly & to handle any risk in future from trader side. Investor should not take any amount partially or fully without trader permission while performing contract till year end , otherwise contract is void.
5. Investor have to give prior information atleast before one month if he is interested to increase the capital amount. On the other way, If he is NOT willing to continue then 3months prior intimation by email/sms/post or any mode of prior intimation should be convey to the Trader. Otherwise, agreement terms as per trader decision only.
6. Without trader knowledge/acceptance investor should not do payout at any cost from his trading account to related payout bank account in between contract period as per agreemnt.
7. Trader have full rights to do trading in any segment as an Intraday /Equity Stocks/Currency/Commodity exchange markets for making profits target.
8. Agreement can be renewed by 3months prior information only. If all the above clause seems truthfull & lawfull please fix immediately.
9. Investor Source of funds should be clear clean funds with fully KYC Investment allowed by DD/RTGS/NEFT/CHEQUE through bank only and cash allowed based on KYC.
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Whatsapp : ++91-8939207288
***NOTE : SAMPLE DEAL INR RS.5lakhs-Rs.15lakhs @ 5% per month (INR Rs.25,000- Rs.75,000) respectively can be start immediate
prediction 50%-100%
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